
Kenneth Sebastian MuratoreWelcome!

I’ve put this blog together in order that I might declare what I see in light of scripture, whereby individuals seeking truth, might find the sound words of our Creator liberating. Understanding many who will read these declarations are intelligent, educated individuals, yet I write with the hope of individuals looking past my words, to our Creator’s sound words, as found within in scripture.

Scripture in it’s original language, as first penned, is the inspired word of God. In spite of this declaration, one who is willing to put aside their bias, will surely find the wisdom within these ancient texts confounding to the wisdom of this age, or of ages past, and surely of ages to come. I do understand this is a dogmatic statement but I also understand you have been given a mind and a conscience which testify to the truth of the wisdom found in these writings. Brave individuals have gone before us, those having enough courage, explored and examined scripture’s every word in light of the content and the context given. You will find as they have, and as I have, and so declare, the wisdom found in the words of scripture will lift you up and make you wise.

Fear Not! Says our Creator, for in the shedding of his son’s blood upon a tree he has blotted out your every sin. The door is open, we may approach Him through his Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. I say these things that you might know your sins are forgiven and you may approach His wisdom, the reading of sound words as found within the scriptures, without fear.

May His Word be light to your path.

Kenneth S. Muratore Jr

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May 2024